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* William Blacoe, Elham Kashefi, Mirella Lapata. [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1105.pdf A Quantum-Theoretic Approach to Distributional Semantics]. NAACL 2013.
* William Blacoe, Elham Kashefi, Mirella Lapata. [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1105.pdf A Quantum-Theoretic Approach to Distributional Semantics]. NAACL 2013.
* [http://ml.nec-labs.com/senna/ SENNA word embeddings]
* [http://ml.nec-labs.com/senna/ SENNA word embeddings]
* Some more on Senna:
* Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases (2011). Antoine Bordes, Jason Weston, Ronan Collobert and Yoshua Bengio. in Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), AAAI Press.
  * Uses knowledge bases (WordNet, Wikipedia) and corpora as information sources
* Towards Open-Text Semantic Parsing via Multi-Task Learning of Structured Embeddings (2011). Antoine Bordes, Xavier Glorot, Jason Weston and Yoshua Bengio. in arXiv:1107.3663v1, July 2011. [https://www.hds.utc.fr/~bordesan/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?id=en%3Apubli&cache=cache&media=en:bordes11arxiv.pdf .pdf]
* Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases (2011). Antoine Bordes, Jason Weston, Ronan Collobert and Yoshua Bengio. at The Learning Workshop (oral), Ft Lauderdale, USA, April 13-16, 2011. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CD8QFjAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hds.utc.fr%2F~bordesan%2Fdokuwiki%2Flib%2Fexe%2Ffetch.php%3Fid%3Den%253Apubli%26cache%3Dcache%26media%3Den%3Abordes11snowbird.pdf&ei=mIqaUbCEJai4yAGu14DgDQ&usg=AFQjCNFY5dvnoJ-AaKUqqTqKv0bYAEmTzA&sig2=20v8RTGGLxGXQ4CyP1deGQ&bvm=bv.46751780,d.aWc&cad=rja slides.pdf]
* Background slides about the SENNA framework: [http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spring10/cos424/slides/19-senna.pdf slides.pdf]
== Word senses ==
== Word senses ==
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== Machine translation ==
== Machine translation ==
* Yarin Gal, Phil Blunsom. [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1117.pdf A Systematic Bayesian Treatment of the IBM Alignment Models]. NAACL 2013.
* Yarin Gal, Phil Blunsom. [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1117.pdf A Systematic Bayesian Treatment of the IBM Alignment Models]. NAACL 2013.
== Semantic Roles ==
* Jiří Materna [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1051.pdf Parameter Estimation for LDA-Frames]
* Jackie Chi Kit Cheung; Hoifung Poon; Lucy Vanderwende [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1104.pdf Probabilistic Frame Induction]
== Integrating Formal and Distributional Semantics ==
*Edward Grefenstette. [http://aclweb.org/anthology/S/S13/S13-1001.pdf Towards a Formal Distributional Semantics: Simulating Logical Calculi with Tensors.] StarSem 2013
*Islam Beltagy et. al. (UT Austin) [http://aclweb.org/anthology/S/S13/S13-1002.pdf Montague Meets Markov: Deep Semantics with Probabilistic Logical Form.] StarSem 2013
== Paraphrases and Semantic Textual Similarity ==
*Juri Ganitkevitch et. al. [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1092.pdf PPDB: The Paraphrase Database] NAACL 2013
*Ioannis Korkontzelos et. al. [http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Group_UKP/publikationen/2013/SemEval2013-Task5.pdf SemEval-2013 Task 5: Evaluating Phrasal Semantics] SemEval 2013
== Interesting Ideas/Applications ==
* Marta Recasens; Marie-Catherine de Marneffe; Christopher Potts [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1071.pdf The Life and Death of Discourse Entities: Identifying Singleton Mentions] '''best short paper'''
* Amnon Lotan; Asher Stern; Ido Dagan [http://aclweb.org/anthology/N/N13/N13-1091.pdf TruthTeller: Annotating Predicate Truth]

Latest revision as of 09:23, 10 July 2013


Word vector representations

* Some more on Senna:
* Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases (2011). Antoine Bordes, Jason Weston, Ronan Collobert and Yoshua Bengio. in Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), AAAI Press.
 * Uses knowledge bases (WordNet, Wikipedia) and corpora as information sources 
* Towards Open-Text Semantic Parsing via Multi-Task Learning of Structured Embeddings (2011). Antoine Bordes, Xavier Glorot, Jason Weston and Yoshua Bengio. in arXiv:1107.3663v1, July 2011. .pdf
* Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases (2011). Antoine Bordes, Jason Weston, Ronan Collobert and Yoshua Bengio. at The Learning Workshop (oral), Ft Lauderdale, USA, April 13-16, 2011. slides.pdf
* Background slides about the SENNA framework: slides.pdf

Word senses

Relation extraction

Machine translation

Semantic Roles

Integrating Formal and Distributional Semantics

Paraphrases and Semantic Textual Similarity

Interesting Ideas/Applications