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Latest revision as of 18:02, 21 January 2019

Date Title
9.5.18 Welcome meeting
9.12.18 Rehan - Unsupervised Entity Linking with Abstract Meaning Representation [1], Slides [2]

General discussion of AIDA and its goals

9.19.18 Yoshinari - Survey of Cross-lingual embeddings [3]

and my future resubmission on evaluating cross-lingual embeddings.

9.26.18 Skatje
10.3.18 Chelsea - Deep Contextualized Word Representations [4] and my research on modeling story recall
10.10.18 No 10:30 meeting. Everyone please come to the CLASSIC Open house from 3-5pm! (Skatje, Abhidip, Rehan slides)
10.17.18 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 9 am, Boulderado

A multimodal approach to understanding human vocal expressions and beyond - Shri Narayan, INFO session

1 pm - 2 pm, ATLAS, Room 102

10.24.18 EMNLP 2018 practice talks
10.31.18 Jon (ROC story/GAN in NLP) [5][6][7]
11.7.18 Martha - Towards UMR's
11.14.18 Diego Garcia - Dismal scientists doing NLP

Abstract: The talk will discuss two strands of research in-progress at the Leeds School, one focused on sentiment in financial media/regulatory filings, another on gathering financial and accounting data from historical textbooks using OCR/NLP techniques. The focus of the talk will be on potential interdisciplinary collaborations, emphasizing why financial text may be more interesting than rotten tomatoes.

11.21.18 Fall Break - No Meeting
11.28.18 Mans Hulden - Practice Keynote talk
12.5.18 Abhidip and NAACL Paper Clinic
12.12.18 Kevin Stowe - Metaphors
12.19.17 Finals week