Torque/PBS on mime

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Running PBS on the Mime Cluster

Portable Batch System (PBS) is a full featured queuing system for job submission. Listed below are a few sample commands to get you up and running on the cluster. For a more detailed documentation on PBS, please refer to the man pages.


  • Add /usr/pbs/bin to your path
  • Configure ssh to have password-less login on the mime nodes (see UsingTheMimeCluster).

Checking machine status

To check the PBS queue status on mime type:

 $ qstat

For more information and options see the qstat man page.

Submitting jobs

To submit a job to the queue type:

 $ qsub <pbs_script>

PBS Scripts

A PBS script is a shell script with PBS commands specified by comments starting with #PBS. A bare bones PBS script without any PBS options would look something like this:


For a more thorough PBS example script with a wide range of PBS options please look at PbsExampleScript.

Deleting Jobs

To delete a job type:

 $ qdel <job_id>

Please refer to the qdel man page for more details.