Torque/PBS on mime

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Torque vs. PBS

While PBS used to be the preferred job scheduling software on mime, the repeated hassle of renewing expired licenses gave us reason to switch to Torque, an open source resource manager based on the original PBS. For the most part PBS scripts should still work with Torque.

Running Torque on the Mime Cluster

Portable Batch System (PBS) is a full featured queuing system for job submission. Listed below are a few sample commands to get you up and running on the cluster. For a more detailed documentation on PBS, please refer to the man pages.


  • Add /usr/torque/bin to your path
  • Configure ssh to have password-less login on the mime nodes (see UsingTheMimeCluster).

Checking machine status

To check the Torque queue status on mime type:

 $ qstat

For more information and options see the qstat man page.

Submitting jobs

To submit a job to the queue type:

 $ qsub <torque_script>

Torque Scripts

A Torque script is a shell script with PBS commands specified by comments starting with #PBS. A bare bones PBS script without any PBS options would look something like this:


For a more thorough PBS example script with a wide range of PBS options please look at PbsExampleScript.

Deleting Jobs

To delete a job type:

 $ qdel <job_id>

Please refer to the qdel man page for more details.