ML Reading Group
From CompSemWiki
This reading group was started with the hope of deciphering the Bayesian approach to machine learning. Currently the group meets Thursdays at 1:30pm at the conference table in CINC 180.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher Bishop
Date | Aspire | Actual |
2009.10.22 | Bishop PRML, pp70(?) to 74 | |
2009.10.15 | Cancelled | |
2009.10.08 | Bishop PRML, pp67 to 74 | 70(?) |
2009.09.31 | Cancelled | |
2009.09.24 | Bishop PRML, up to p48 | p48 |
2009.09.17 | Bishop PRML, up to p33 | p30 |