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ASSERT is a semantic role labeler written and supported by Sameer Pradhan.
This is installed on (in /home/verbs/shared/propbank/assert-v0.14b). The c-assert extension is also installed.
Running ASSERT
- source the .cshrc or the .bashrc in the directory /home/verbs/guest/spradhan/software/assert-v0.14b
For bash users
. /home/verbs/guest/spradhan/software/assert-v0.14b/.bashrc
For csh users
source /home/verbs/guest/spradhan/software/assert-v0.14b/.cshrc
You can also add these above commands to your .bashrc or .cshrc in your home directory
- Run the assert top-level script
/home/verbs/guest/spradhan/software/assert-v0.14b/scripts/assert <filename>
where filename is the path to a file with a list of lines, one sentence per line (pre-sentence segmented). Output will be sent to stdout AND saved in <filename>.parses