Spring 2010 Schedule

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Spring 2010

Date Topic
2010.04.20 Paper presentations: Dima, Jinho
2010.04.13 Abdel-aati Hawwari - Arabic Lexical Semantics
2010.03.30 Defense - Susan
2010.03.16 canceled
2010.03.09 Ashwini Vaidya and Archna Bhattia - The role of null arguments in converting a Hindi dependency treebank to a phrase structure treebank
2010.03.02 Philip
2010.02.23 canceled
2010.02.16 Jena
2010.02.09 Computing environments, now and future
2010.02.02 ClearTK Workshop I - Philip Ogren
2010.01.26 Project introduction: Mayo, Stages
2010.01.19 Project introduction: Epic, Gale, Hindi
2010.01.12 First meeting

Presentations at some point:

- Barbara Wise, BioInformatics - Karen/Helen, Digital Libraries

Scheduled presentations:

- March 17, Wed, 4pm - Abdel-aati Hawwari