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Moses is the statistical machine translation decoder. For more information, please refer to their official web site


For more information about how to install MGIZA++, please go to Install Moses.

Input Format

Basic Input

Phrase Translation Table

The phrase translation table provide the phrase translation probability between source and target language pair. The example file is as follows:

der ||| the ||| 0.3
das ist ||| this is ||| 0.8

The first column is the source language (Dutch), and the second column is the target language (English). And final one is the probability of this translation pair. '|||' is used for separation.

Language Model

Moses accepts language model generated from three softwares.

  • SRI language modeling toolkit (SRILM)
  • IRST language modeling toolkit (IRSTLM)
  • RandLM language modeling toolkit (RandLM)

In VERBS, SRILM is the only software installed. For more information about how to run SRILM, please read the Moses#Run part.



Path Information on Verbs
