List of Relevant Blogs and Feeds

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NLP Blogs

Frequently about NLP

  • NLPers (RSS Feed) - Hal Daume, Assistant Professor writes his musings about NLP, his research. His conference overviews are a great way to build a suggested reading list.
  • LingPipe Blog (RSS Feed) - Bob Carpenter writes detailed posts often about NLP techniques that get integrated into his LingPipe software. Be sure to check out his blog roll.

Occasionally about NLP

  • The Language Log (RSS Feed) - Weblog run by University of Pennsylvania phonetician Mark Liberman, with multiple guest linguists.
  • The LINGUIST List (RSS Feed) - An e-mail list with information relating to all manners of linguistics. This is a good place to hunt for post-doc or academic job opportunities.

Machine Learning Blogs

Information Retrieval Blogs


  • PhD Comics (RSS Feed) - A surprisingly accurate portrayal of grad school told in comic form.
  • Peter Norvig (RSS Feed) - Jim's grad school colleague, and director of Google research writes a delightful blog with entries like the Gettysburg Address in Powerpoint or The World's Longest Palindrome Sentence.