Fall 2022 Schedule

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CompSem Meeting Schedule

The CompSem meeting for the Fall 2010 semester will be on Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:30PM in the CINC Fishbowl.

Spring 2011

2011.01.12 Kick-off meeting
2011.01.19 Cancelled
2011.01.26 Semester Planning / IWCSM Oxford Redux
2011.02.02 Tal Yarkoni: Cognitive Neuroscience and Informatics
2011.02.09 - Integrating Logical Representations with Probabilistic Information using Markov Logic (PDF),
Dan Garrette, Katrin Erk and Raymond Mooney, IWCS'11, 2011

- Wide-Coverage Semantic Analysis with Boxer (PDF),
Johan Bos, STEP'08, 2008

2011.02.16 IBM Watson Jeopardy, More discussions with Alessandro
2011.02.18 Alessandro: the use of VerbNet, FrameNet and PropBank in semantic role labeling.
Danilo: SRL projection between English and Italian. FISHBOWL
2011.02.23 Attend CS and ICS talks instead
2011.03.02 - Continue with Alessandro and Danilo
2011.03.09 - Compsem mtg canceled because of Tom Mitchell meetings
2011.03.10 - Tom Mitchell meeting - MUEN D430(large conf room)
2011.03.11 - 10:30 Tom Mitchel mtg/VN - MUEN D424 - 12 ICS Tom Mitchell talk
2011.03.16 SHARP / Alessandro Moschitti
2011.03.23 Spring Break
2011.03.30 Kai Larsen presentation
2011.04.06 Concrete Sentence Spaces for Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning (PDF),

Edward Grefenstette, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, Stephen Clark, Bob Coecke and Stephen Pulman, IWCS'11, 2011

2011.04.13 Greg Brown MS Thesis Defense (11-12:30)
2011.04.20 Sudha's prelim.
2011.04.27 Brian Cairns: Answer Re-ranking in Clinical QA

Past Schedules