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Event extraction is to extract information about events that are suitable to fill in a knowledge base.

We are participating in the TAC-KBP 2014 Event Track.

Next meeting: May 14, 10:30am @CINC

ClearEvent System

Subtask assignments

- Pilot assessment (ERE annotation) (Jinying, Tim)

- Event trigger detection (Tim)

- Event argument detection/Coreference(Jinying)

- Create mapping between NE types and SRL roles, event types and verbnet classes (Kevin)

- Evaluate the mappings created by Kevin & Time Argument Resolution/Coreference (Skatje)

- Retrain and improve NE taggers (James)

- Add WSD component for event (James)

- Improve SRL (Shumin)

Important Dates

May 16 complete pilot assessment
May 16 first significant update from NE/WSD components
May 31 first significant update from other components
June 30 second significant update from all components
August 11-18 Event Argument Extraction evaluation window

TAC KBP 2014 Event Track

home| guidelines| schedule

Data Resources

TAC KBP event pilot data


ACE training data


TAC extra training data

 LDC2013E64_v2 (DEFT Phase 1 ERE Annotation R3 V2), LDC2014E31 (DEFT ERE English Discussion Forum Annotation V1)

OntoNotes 5.0
