Fall 2013 Schedule

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Fall 2013

2013.08.28 Kickoff Meeting- Octavian Popescu, Looking into Chronological Corpora
2013.09.04 Pick a paper to present from here: http://www.mendeley.com/groups/3582531/acl-conll-law-bionlp-2013/papers/title/1/
2013.09.11 James Gung, practice talk about Shared Clef (clinical named entity recognition); general review of projects
2013.09.18 Claire Bonial practice talk(s): Renewing and Revising SemLink; Expanding VerbNet with Sketch Engine
2013.09.25 Kai Larsen, Bypassing Psychometrics: Using NLP to Predict Survey Results
2013.10.02 Jintae Lee, Using Text Mining to Capture and Test Cultural Differences
2013.10.09 Octavian Popescu, grammar induction
2013.10.11 ClearTK Tutorial - 12:00 noon (lunch provided!!)
2013.10.16 James Pustejovsky, "The Role of Event-based Representations and Reasoning in Language"

Part 1, University Club 4, Tuesday 12:30-2, Part 2 Wed CINC fishbowl 10:30-12: Abstract here, https://sites.google.com/site/cfpwsevents/

2013.10.23 Daniel Peterson, Reading Tea Leaves, by Chang, Boyd-Graber, Garrish, Wang, and Blei. 2009. Paper here: http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~jbg/docs/nips2009-rtl.pdf ; Slides here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17nmt43kjV26FaEYdOv-bQU1pIXvoDupsW9wH1dR1O88/edit?usp=sharing
2013.10.30 Silvana Hartmann: Using Semantic role information for theautomatic linking of Propbank and FrameNet senses (ongoing work)
2013.11.06 Tim O'Gorman discussing "Measuring word meaning in context" by Katrin Erk, Diana McCarthy, and Nicholas Gaylord. Paper here:


2013.11.13 James Endicott, The Benefits of a Model of Annotation
2013.11.20 Soheil Danesh, word weighting in keyword extraction
2013.11.27 Fall Break
2013.12.06 ClearTK Tutorial Part II, 12:00-2:30
2013.12.11 Daisuke Kawahara, Inducing Semantic Frames and Verb Classes from a Massive Amount of Verb Uses
2013.12.18 Final Exams

Fall 2013 Verb Clustering Meeetings

2013.09.04 Verb clustering kickoff
2013.09.18 Daisuke Kawahara, Verb Clustering and Classification

For verb sense disambiguation, the following word representations are used: http://ronan.collobert.com/senna/, http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~imikolov/rnnlm/

2013.10.02 Daniel Peterson, Generating Semantic Frames from Google ngrams
2013.10.16 canceled
2013.11.20 Daisuke Kawahara, Clustering Results