From CompSemWiki
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# checkout frameset files from the repository (first time only) BR cd /home/verbs/shared/cleardata/english BR svn co https://verbs.colorado.edu/svn/ontonotes/corpora/english/annotations/parse/ BR
# update frameset files from the repository BR cd /home/verbs/shared/cleardata/english BR svn update BR
How to commit English Frameset files
first time usage
# checkout frameset files from the repository svn co https://verbs.colorado.edu/svn/ontonotes/corpora/on/english/metadata/frames/
regular usage
# update frameset files from the repository cd frames svn update
# add/edit a frameset file (<verb>.xml) in the directory /home/verbs/shared/propbank/cornerstone/cs_en.sh
# add the frameset file (<verb>.xml) to the repository, svn add <verb>.xml
# commit the changes svn commit -m "added/edited <verb>.xml"