Spring 2014 Schedule
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Jump to navigationJump to search2014.01.13 | Texas Tech overview, 3-5pm, ECOT 831:
3:00-3:30 Will Styler-Clinical; 3:30-4:00 Claire Bonial-VerbNet; |
2014.01.22 | Tomohide Shibata (Kyoto University), Acquiring Strongly-related Events using Predicate-argument Co-occurring Statistics and Case Frames |
2014.01.29 | Plan for James Pustejovsky and Annie Zaenen visit, Feb 3-7, SemLink+ site visit and DEFT site visit |
2014.01.31 | Luc Steels, CAN ROBOTS INVENT THEIR OWN LANGUAGE? , ICS talk, 12-2, MUEN D428 |
2014.02.05 | James Pustejovsky visit, Feb 6,7 SemLink+ site visit (Don Jones and Martin Hyatt) |
2014.02.07 | Annie Zaenen ICS Talk, 12-1:30pm, MUEN D428 |
2014.02.11 | Boyan Onyshkevych, DARPA DEFT site visit |
2014.02.12 | cancelled |
2014.02.17 | Mans Hulden (Linguistics faculty applicant), Linguistics Presentation, 4:00 PM, Hellems 241 |
2014.02.18 | Mark Schmidt (Simon Fraser University), Opening up the Optimization Black-Box for Large-Scale Machine Learning, 3:30-4:30 PM, ECCR 265 |
2014.02.19 | CANCEL; Martha and Wei-Te in NYC for PIRE planning meeting |
2014.02.20 | Amer Diwan (Google), Life Lessons and Datacenter Performance Analysis, 3:30-4:30 PM, ECCR 265 |
2014.02.26 | Jinying Chen |
2014.03.05 | Afternoon VerbNet discussion |
2014.03.12 | Daisuke Kawahara, A Step-wise Method for Inducing Semantic Frames and Verb Classes, followed by lunch |
2014.03.17,18 | - AMR Workshop (Kevin Knight, Daniel Marcu, LDC folks) |
2014.03.26 | Spring Break |
2014.04.02 | cancelled |
2014.04.09 | review of TAC, DTRA proposal, planning |
2014.04.16 | cancelled - go to Julia's talks |
2014.04.23 | Jinying Chen & Tim O'Gorman - Event extraction, TAC pilot discussion, relevant papers |
2014.04.30 | Kevin Stowe - NE paper, Ritter, continue event extraction papers |
2014.05.07 | LREC Dry runs |