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| 2019.10.09 || Ghazaleh, papers by Tom Williams on reference resolution in Human-Robot Interaction
| 2019.10.09 || Ghazaleh, papers by Tom Williams on reference resolution in Human-Robot Interaction
| 2019.10.16 (10 am - 1 pm) ||  Industry day (lunch at UMC). 15 min talks and posters by PhD students
| 2019.10.16 (10 am - 1 pm) ||  Industry day (lunch at UMC). 15 min talks and posters by PhD/MS students
| 2019.10.17 (Thurs 3:30 pm) || CS Colloquium   
| 2019.10.17 (Thurs 3:30 pm) || CS Colloquium   

Revision as of 19:55, 22 September 2019

2019.08.28 Welcome Meeting, Plan fall schedule
2019.09.04 Jon ACL best paper nominee: https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.06679.

Xiaolei ACL paper: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1403.


2019.09.05 (Thurs 3:30 pm) CS Colloquium - Dan Jurafsky
2019.09.11 Yoshi Presenting a NAACL paper https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N19-1162
2019.09.18 Akanksha presenting ACL paper https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1568
2019.09.25 AIDA virtual site visit
2019.10.02 Rakuten overview, Abhidip presenting BERT[1]and XLNet [2]
2019.10.09 Ghazaleh, papers by Tom Williams on reference resolution in Human-Robot Interaction
2019.10.16 (10 am - 1 pm) Industry day (lunch at UMC). 15 min talks and posters by PhD/MS students
2019.10.17 (Thurs 3:30 pm) CS Colloquium
2019.10.23 Ali Almelhem (Economics department) presenting own research
2019.10.30 Rehan presenting an ACL paper. Vivian and Jon EMNLP poster
2019.11.06 Michael Reagan visit.
2019.11.13 Chelsea prelim.
2019.11.20 Parth Jawale, Augmenting Neural Nets with First Order Logic, Tao Li, Vivek Srikumar: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1028
2019.11.27 Fall break
2019.12.04 Sam
2019.12.11 Vivian prelim.
2019.12.18 Final exams

Past Schedules