Fall 2022 Schedule

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2019.08.28 Welcome Meeting, Plan fall schedule
2019.09.04 Jon ACL best paper nominee: https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.06679.

Xiaolei ACL paper: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1403.


2019.09.05 (Thurs 3:30 pm) CS Colloquium - Dan Jurafsky
2019.09.11 Yoshi Presenting a NAACL paper https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N19-1162
2019.09.18 Akanksha presenting ACL paper https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1568
2019.09.25 AIDA virtual site visit
2019.10.02 Rakuten overview, Abhidip presenting BERT[1]and XLNet [2]
2019.10.09 Ghazaleh, Situated Open World Reference Resolution for Human-Robot Dialogue[3]
2019.10.16 (10 am - 1 pm) CLASIC/CLEAR Open House & Industry day (lunch at Fleming). 10 min talks and posters by PhD/MS students
2019.10.17 (Thurs 3:30 pm) CS Colloquium: Jinho Choi
2019.10.23 Ali Almelhem (Economics department) presenting own research
2019.10.30 Rehan presenting an ACL paper. Kristin EMNLP-LOUHI practice talk, Vivian and Jon EMNLP posters
2019.11.06 Michael Reagan: presentation on Brandeis/CU/UNM IE work for DTRA
2019.11.13 Chelsea prelim.
2019.11.20 Parth Jawale, Augmenting Neural Nets with First Order Logic, [4], Tao Li, Vivek Srikumar, ACL 2019
2019.11.27 Fall break
2019.12.04 Sam
2019.12.18 Final exams

Past Schedules