Fall 2022 Schedule

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Date Title
9.1.21 Planning, introductions, welcome!

CompSem meetings will be hybrid this semester - in person at Fleming 279, and online here: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97014876908

9.8.21 10am (NOTE: special start time)

Yoshinari Fujinuma thesis defense

9.15.21 ACL best paper recaps
9.22.21 Introduction to AI Institute (short talks)
10.27.21 Invited talk: Lisa Miracchi
11.3.21 EMNLP practice talks
11.10.21 EMNLP - no meeting
11.17.21 Elizabeth Spaulding prelim
11.24.21 Fall break - no meeting
12.1.21 Invited talk: Abe Handler
12.8.21 Abhidip Bhattacharyya proposal defense

Past Schedules