Fall 2022 Schedule

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Location: Hybrid - Buchanan 126, and the zoom link below

Time: Wednesdays at 10:30am, Mountain Time

Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97014876908

Date Title
24.08.22 Planning, introductions, welcome!
31.08.22 PhD students present! Ongoing projects and opportunities
  • iSAT: Jim, John, Maggie, Ananya, Zoe
  • AIDA: Elizabeth, Rehan, Sijia
  • KAIROS: Susan, Reece
07.09.22 PhD students continue to present!
  • StoryGenerations: Katharina, Maria, Trevor
  • AmericasNLP: Katharina, Alexis, Abteen
  • FOLTA: Alexis, Bhargav, Enora, Michael
14.09.22 And more presentations from our fabulous students!
  • Assisted interviewing: DJ, Abe
  • THYME:
  • UMR: Julia, Aous, Ahmed
21.09.22 Mans: 21st century tools for indigenous languages?
28.09.22 James Pustejovsky
05.10.22 Martha, COLING keynote
12.10.22 COLING / paper review
26.10.22 EMNLP practice talks?
02.11.22 Ananya Ganesh, prelim
09.11.22 Abteen Ebrahimi, prelim
16.11.22 Maggie Perkoff, prelim
23.11.22 *** No meeting - fall break ***
30.11.22 Kris Stenzel? or EMNLP practice talks?

Past Schedules