Fall 2022 Schedule

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Location: Hybrid - Buchanan 126, and the zoom link below

Time: Wednesdays at 10:30am, Mountain Time

Zoom link: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97014876908

Date Title
24.08.22 Planning, introductions, welcome!
31.08.22 PhD students present! Ongoing projects and opportunities
  • iSAT: Jim, John, Maggie, Ananya, Zoe
  • AIDA: Elizabeth, Rehan, Sijia

07.09.22 PhD students continue to present!

20 minutes per project

  • KAIROS: Susan, Reece
  • AmericasNLP: Katharina, Alexis, Abteen
  • FOLTA: Alexis, Bhargav, Enora, Michael
  • StoryGenerations: Katharina, Maria, Trevor

14.09.22 And more presentations from our fabulous students and colleagues!
  • Assisted interviewing: DJ, Abe
  • THYME:
  • UMR: Martha and Jim
21.09.22 lunch at the Taj
28.09.22 James Pustejovsky

Dense Paraphrasing for Textual Enrichment: Question Answering and Inference

Abstract: Much of the current computational work on inference in NLP can be associated with one of two techniques: the first focuses on a specific notion of text-based question answering (QA), using large pre-trained language models (LLMs). To examine specific linguistic properties present in the model, « probing tasks » (diagnostic classifiers) have been developed to test capabilities that the LLM demonstrates on interpretable semantic inferencing tasks, such as age and object comparisons, hypernym conjunction, antonym negation, and others. The second is Knowledge Graph-based inference and QA, where triples are mined from Wikipedia, ConceptNet, WikiData, and other non-corpus resources, and then used for answering questions involving multiple components of the KG (multi-hop QA). While quite impressive with benchmarked metrics in QA, both techniques are completely confused by (a) syntactically missing semantic content, and (b) the semantics accompanying the consequences of events and actions in narratives. In this talk, I discuss a model we have developed to enrich the surface form of texts, using type-based semantic operations to « textually expose » the deeper meaning of the corpus that was used to make the original embeddings in the language model. This model, Dense Paraphrasing, is a linguistically-motivated, textual enrichment strategy, that textualizes the compositional operations inherent in a semantic model, such as Generative Lexicon Theory or CCG. This involves broadly three kinds of interpretive processes: (i) recognizing the diverse variability in linguistic forms that can be associated with the same underlying semantic representation (paraphrases); (ii) identifying semantic factors or variables that accompany or are presupposed by the lexical semantics of the words present in the text, through dropped, hidden or shadow arguments; and (iii) interpreting or computing the dynamic consequences of actions and events in the text. After performing these textual enrichment algorithms, we fine-tune the LLM which allows more robust inference and QA task performance.

James Pustejovsky, Professor TJX Feldberg Chair in Computer Science Department of Computer Science Chair of CL MS Program Chair of Linguistics Program

05.10.22 Martha, COLING keynote // Daniel poster presentation dry run
12.10.22 COLING / paper review
19.10.22 CLASIC Open House
21.10.22 FRIDAY Carolyn Rose, Carnegie Mellon(ICS/iSAT event)

Special time and place: 11am-12:15pm MT, Muenzinger D430 / Zoom (https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97658438049)

Title: A Layered Model of Learning during Collaborative Software Development: Programs, Programming, and Programmers

Collaborative software development, whether synchronous or asynchronous, is a creative, integrative process in which something new comes into being through the joint engagement, something new that did not fully exist in the mind of any one person prior to the engagement. One can view this engagement from a macro-level perspective, focusing on large scale development efforts of 100 or more developers, organized into sub-teams, producing collections complex software products like Mozilla. Past work in the area of software engineering has explored the symbiosis between the management structure of a software team and the module structure of the resulting software. In this talk, we focus instead on small scale software teams of between 2 and 5 developers, working on smaller-scale efforts of between one hour and 9 months, through more fine grained analysis of collaborative processes and collaborative products. In this more tightly coupled engagement within small groups, we see again a symbiosis between people, processes, and products. This talk bridges between the field of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning and the study of software teams in the field of Software Engineering by investigating the inner-workings of small scale collaborative software development. Building on over a decade of AI-enabled collaborative learning experiences in the classroom and online, in this talk we report our work in progress beginning with classroom studies in large online software courses with substantial teamwork components. In our classroom work, we have adapted an industry standard team practice referred to as Mob Programming into a paradigm called Online Mob Programming (OMP) for the purpose of encouraging teams to reflect on concepts and share work in the midst of their project experience. At the core of this work are process mining technologies that enable real time monitoring and just-in-time support for learning during productive work. Recent work on deep-learning approaches to program understanding bridge between investigations of processes and products.

26.10.22 EMNLP practice talks?
28.10.22 FRIDAY Barbara diEugenio (ICS talk, noon)
31.10.22 MONDAY Nathan Schneider (Linguistics talk)
02.11.22 Ananya Ganesh, prelim
09.11.22 Abteen Ebrahimi, prelim
16.11.22 Maggie Perkoff, prelim
23.11.22 *** No meeting - fall break ***
30.11.22 Kris Stenzel? or EMNLP practice talks?
07.12.22 Mans: 21st century tools for indigenous languages?

Past Schedules