Meeting Schedule

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Location: Hybrid - Buchanan 126, and the zoom link below

Time: Wednesdays at 10:30am, Mountain Time

Zoom link:

Date Title
01/18/23 Cancelled, due to weather
01/25/2023 Planning, introductions, welcome!
02/01/2023 TBD
02/08/2023 TBD
02/15/2023 Diego Garcia Moved to 03/01, due to weather
02/22/2023 Ashis Kumer Biswas (invited speaker; University of Colorado Denver) Abhidip Bhattacharyya: Presentation
03/01/2023 Diego Garcia
03/08/2023 CLASIC Open House
03/15/2023 Role-Playing Paper-Reading: Decomposing and Recomposing Event Structure (
03/22/2023 Ananya Ganesh: prelim
03/29/2023 Spring break -- no meeting!
04/05/2023 Kyle Gorman (invited speaker; City University of New York)
04/12/2023 Abteen Ebrahimi: prelim
04/19/2023 Jon Cai: proposal defense
04/26/2023 Elizabeth Spaulding: proposal defense
05/03/2023 TBD

Past Schedules