Fall 2022 Schedule

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[2015.??.??|| Jim Martin - Interpretable Semantic Vectors from a Joint Model of Brain- and Text- Based Meaning and ???
2014.08.27 Md Arafat Sultan - Back to Basics for Monolingual Alignment: Exploiting Word Similarity and Contextual Evidence http://www.transacl.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/53.pdf
2014.09.03 Bill Foland - Natural Language Processing with Hierarchical Neural Network Models; Claire Bonial - Take a Look at this! Form, Function and Productivity of English Light Verb Constructions
2014.09.10 Khang Lam (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs) - Automatically Creating Multilingual Lexical Resources
2014.09.17 Event extraction report
2014.09.19 ICS colloquium: Samar Husain - Strong expectations cancel locality effects: Evidence from Hindi
2014.09.24 Chris Jenkins - The Natural Sciences need better Semantics Data: NLP and ML technologies from Biomedicine can help
2014.10.01 Skatje - Dependency-Based Word Embeddings Omer Levy and Yoav Goldberg and james - Efficient Non-parametric Estimation of Multiple Embeddings per Word in Vector Space
2014.10.08 Viet-An Nguyen - Job talk practice (Bayesian models for political discourse)
2014.10.15 MEETING IN 184G. Jena - Job talk practice
2014.10.22 MEETING IN 184G. Ke Zhai - Scalable Topic Modeling with Variational Inference
2014.10.29 MEETING IN 184G. Kevin - Concreteness and Subjectivity as Dimensions of Lexical Meaning and Ashwini Dissertation Discussion
2014.11.05 MEETING IN 184G. Arafat - Multilingual Models for Compositional Distributed Semantics and Nicholas - A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sentences
2014.11.12 Arafat - PhD Proposal
2014.11.19 Naho Orita / He He - Computational modeling of how humans use discourse information / Imitation Learning for NLP Tasks
2014.11.26 Fall break
2014.12.03 Karl Hermann, guest speaker, Semantic Frame Identification with Distributed Word Representations and Multilingual Models for Compositional Distributed Semantics and Learning Bilingual Word Representations by Marginalizing Alignments and New Directions in Vector Space Models of Meaning
2014.12.10 Fleming Field Trip - Nicholas - Linguistic Structured Sparsity in Text Categorization and James Endicott - SOMETHING

Past Schedules